Abridge Notice Inviting Tender

Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited is please to invite sealed and signed bids from the interested Bhutanese Contractors for Construction of Check Dam at Mines.

NIT No. Name of the Work Bid Security (Nu) Last date & time of Submission Date & time of opening of Tender
DCCL/Com/Proc/2022/05/1766 Construction of Check Dam at mines 77,000.00 06/10/2022
at 3.00pm
at 3.30 pm


Bids shall be received in sealed envelopes on or before 3.00pm on October 6, 2022 and shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 pm. Any tenders received after the deadline for the submission shall be rejected.

Detailed Bidding Documents can be downloaded below:

For any enquiry, please contact Procurement Section (Tel-07-481232).